Credit scores, credit history and credit qualifications - is it really that complicated

Released on = July 1, 2006, 2:36 am

Press Release Author = Alison Dalton

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = A credit score attempts to calculate the likelihood that a
potential borrower will fail to repay a loan or other credit obligation
satisfactorily over a specified period of time. Read further.

Press Release Body = Credit when used as a financial term, used in such terms as
credit card, refers to the giving way of a loan and the formation of debt. Any
movement of financial capital is in general quite reliant on credit, which in turn
is dependent on the reputation or creditworthiness of the entity that takes
responsibility for the funds. An identical treatment is in commercial trade, where
credit is used to refer to the approval for overdue payments for goods purchased.
From time to time if a person has financial instability or difficulty, credit is not

Companies regularly offer credit to their customers as part of the terms of a
purchase agreement. Organizations that propose credit to their customers frequently
provide work for a credit manager. A unit of account provides denomination of
credit. Not like money credit itself cannot act as a unit of account. Credit is as
well traded in the market.

The purest form is the Credit Default Swap market which is for all intents and
purposes a traded market in credit insurance, i.e. a credit default swap represents
the price at which two counter parties will exchange this risk - the protection
seller takes the risk of default of the credit in return for a payment, commonly
denoted in basis points of the notional amount to be referenced, at the same time as
the protection buyer pays this premium and in the case of default of the underlying
(a loan, bond or other receivable), delivers this receivable to the protection
seller and receives from the seller the par amount.

Credit history
Credit history or credit report is, in a lot of countries, a record of an
individual\'s or company\'s precedent borrowing and repaying, together with the
information about late payments and bankruptcy. The term credit reputation can also
be used synonymous to credit history or to credit score.

Once a customer fills out an application for credit from a bank, store or credit
card Company, their information is forwarded to a credit bureau, along with regular
updates on the condition of their credit accounts, address or any other changes you
may have made in view of the fact that the last time they applied for any credit.
This information is used by lenders such as credit card companies to settle on an
individual\'s or entity\'s credit worthiness; that is to say, determining an
individual\'s or entity\'s means and willingness to repay indebtedness. This helps
concluding whether to extend credit, as well as on what terms.

With the adoption of risk based pricing on more or less all lending in the financial
services industry, this report has become even further vital since it is more often
than not the sole element used to choose the APR (annual percentage rate).

Credit score
In the United States, a credit score is a three-digit credit rating that represents
a calculated approximation of an individual\'s financial creditworthiness as intended
by a statistical model. A credit score attempts to calculate the likelihood that a
potential borrower will fail to repay a loan or other credit obligation
satisfactorily over a specified period of time. A credit score is characteristically
based on the information in an individual\'s credit report.

Lenders such as banks and credit card companies use
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